Background search by name and address in Mexico

    The search of registration records by name and address or in other words the search for properties is another service offered by the different public registries of the country.

    This service serves to know if a natural or moral person owns any or more properties or is also useful when you want to know specifically who the owner of a property is.

    When we are going to buy an apartment or a house we need to know for sure whether the person who is selling us is effectively the owner of it so it is essential to do this search. When the number of the real folio is known, it is not necessary to do the search but only to consult the folio.

    Financial institutions for the granting of credits also use this service to know whether an individual or company owns one or more properties. Sometimes they also use it when an accredited person has defaulted on their payments and the institution that granted the credit investigates to find out if there are other properties in their name.

    It is important to mention that the data provided to the public registry must be correct because when you search by address if it does not exactly match the data found in the registry, the property will not appear. Sometimes it also turns out that the address with which the property was registered is no longer the same as currently and for that reason the search result will be negative i.e. the property will not appear. One way to resolve this situation is to go to the cadastre and get the batch and apple data and with that information to resubmit to the public register and request the search again.

    It is also necessary to know that when we search by name it may turn out that there are namesakes, i.e. people with the same name, a situation that is impossible to avoid.

    Related services

    Business search
    Obtaining certified copies of testimonials
    Registration of acts and legal acts
    Recording of preventive notices
    Property and Company Verification
    Obtaining Certificates of Existence or Non-existence of Levites
    Obtaining Non-Ownership Certificates

    For any advice on any Registry Background Search please do not hesitate to contact us.