Civil and Commercial Law
Civil and commercial law, we handle it with a great diversity of matters, in which we can include those related to property, real estate, the lease of the same, contractual and non-contractual liability, the forced fulfillment of contracts and the termination of them.
In commercial matters, we process lawsuits that relate to the fulfillment of contracts and commercial documents of various nature and among which we can include corporate litigation such as conflict between shareholders, liability of company administrators, bankruptcies and suspension of payments and in general, the exercise of actions derived from legal acts of merchants and commercial companies.
We have extensive experience and can represent our clients whether in demand or actors in lawsuits, such as:
- Ordinary mercantile and/or civil trials
- Commercial executive trials
- Special mortgage trials
- Real estate lease lawsuits
- Family matters
- Amparo
If you want more information about civil and commercial law call us at 55 56 87 00 89